Unified and File Storage

IT professionals are struggling with the ever-changing demands of their jobs – including storage management. They are experiencing data growth like never before and IT budgets are under extreme pressure. This is especially evident in the midmarket, where IT professionals are wearing many hats and becoming generalists - handling servers, networking, mobile devices, desktops, virtualization, and storage – so they are spread extremely thin. These days, IT generalists need storage that is simple and efficient to manage, yet provides the responsiveness of flash that their applications and users require.

Unified storage - or multiprotocol storage - provides SAN-style block-level access and the file-level access of NAS in one box and is set to become commonplace for all but the most high-performance transactional database data storage applications


The Dell EMC Unity™ Hybrid-Flash product line sets new standards for storage

  • Cost Savings: Mixed workload consolidation onto affordable allflash arrays that can to scale to 16PB effective capacity
  • Trusted: Knowing you are using modern, cutting edge technology that is industry proven
  • Performance: FAST VP and FAST Cache deliver flash performance with the economy of disk storage
  • Consolidation: Consolidate all your mixed workloads (file and block) onto a single solution
  • Protected: Totally protected by Dell EMC data protection options

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